At the end of the 1970s, science was already pointing to the hazards that the accumulating CO2 into the atmosphere posed. During the following decade, scientists and activists had government officials across the globe to continuously address greenhouse gas emissions. They enacted policies that would impact climate, working together. It was a window of opportunity that might have changed the warming’s course. But they failed.

New study reports that as greenhouse gases rise and warm the planet, the ice in Antarctica is to become more vulnerable to astronomical cycles. With CO2 going beyond 400 parts per million (ppm), Earth’s climate becomes more sensitive to its tilt, as it spins around its axis. It may not seem much, but over a 30 million years, this only happened when CO2 levels peaked to what research predicts for the end of the century.

By 2099, beer prices may skyrocket by 656 percent, due to the influence of global warming on barley crops. As the grain is primarily used for livestock feeding, the diminishing of crops during the coming years – with drought and extreme heat as protagonists – will drive barley-growing countries to take a decision, as to how much of the harvest will be allocated to the beer industry.

By 2099, beer prices may skyrocket by 656 percent, due to the influence of global warming on barley crops. As the grain is primarily used for livestock feeding, the diminishing of crops during the coming years – with drought and extreme heat as protagonists – will drive barley-growing countries to take a decision, as to how much of the harvest will be allocated to the beer industry.