Climate Change is real

While politicians give speeches warning that urgent action is needed to tackle climate change, Screems is actually coming up with a solution in the pursuit to fight against Climate Change. We, alone, are going to get rid of more than half the world’s greenhouse gases emissions sources by 2032.

In this we put the Climate Change programme back on track to not rise more than 1.5° above the pre-industrial levels. Mitigating the IPCC doomsday dire warning by 2 years.

Our Objectives are:

  1. Eliminate 53% of CO2 emissions by 2032: that’s equal to burning 12,427,700,000 Tons of Coal a year.
  2. Simultaneously emancipate the >1 in 8 people (1 Billion) from energy poverty by 2032, because Nobody else will!
  3. Beat by 3 years the 12 years IPCC point of no return deadline for climate change -> 8th October 2018 IPCC Report.
  4. Cut the cost of electricity to consumers by 2032, by more than $1 Trillion per year

As a direct financial benefit, achieving the above also means that Countries will not need to spend $23 – 67 Trillion just to qualify for the Paris Agreement Aims. A huge saving!

Our implementation plan

The Screems Objectives are met under the Technology Implementation Plan (”TIP”) that is the rollout of the 5 Billion Major Appliance Power Station (”MAPS”) Devices from now until year-end 2032, that in snapshot, are:

Our Objectives are:

How can 5 Billion MAPS Devices be produced by year-end 2027?

This production and mass manufacturer has been planned for, with 95% of those units, 4.75 Billion, been manufactured by some of the huge 150 strong Domestic & Major Appliance Manufacturers Industry (“MAMI”) Members under license in their own 500+ Brands.

To put this in perspective, MAMI produced 700 million major appliances last year now. Screems Energy will manufacture 250 million directly in the 7 years.

How do you supply the One-in-Eight poverty poor of the world?

TIP does this. 1 Billion of the 5 Billion MAPS Devices are destine to be installed with the 1-in-8 poverty poor, and indeed in a wider selection including in the Least Developed Countries (“LDC”).

These Devices are paid for in the 4 Billion MAPS Devices that are delivered in the OECD and richer countries of the world.

As a result, this “once-in-a-millennium” solution means, electricity can be rolled out to those in energy poverty and LDC.

What do consumers get from the Screems Project?

The goal of the Screems Project is to enable everyone, everywhere access to etc.

The New MAPS

Your Personal, Zero emissions, Renewable, Sustainable, Affordable Off-grid Power Station

off-grid power station


MAPS Device

Fuelless – operates on harnessing potential energy:
read more on TSP
– 100% ZERO emissions free

Usable Device Capacities:
– Power range from 1kW to 21kW
– Energy generated 24kWh/day to 504kWh/day

5 Standard sizes in range:
– Bespoken engineered sizes available to order

Complies with all electrical international standards:
– 120V AC
– 220/240V AV
– from 400V DC up to 700V DC

– 10 years on all 8¢ per kWh contracted Devices

World’s lowest price retail consumer electricity:
– 8¢ per kWh – read more on pricing

A brand new “fuelless” Renewable, 100% ZERO emissions guaranteed, installed directly in your home or business

TSP©, The Screems Phenomena©, is the new energy renewable science deployed in MAPS Devices, that greatly and positively impacts the environment as it eliminates greenhouse gas emissions to ZERO.

The MAPS Device doesn’t consume any fossil or other fuels, nor solar or wind renewables, however, generates all the electricity in-house any home or SME needs. And “no”, it isn’t perpetual motion.

A wide global implementation of MAPS Devices will deliver the Paris Agreement emissions reduction, cutting out >53% of greenhouse gases from our atmosphere with 5 Billion MAPS Devices in plan to be completely deployed worldwide by 2032.

modern high tech kitchen
home electricity

MAPS is the size of a dishwasher that can be installed anywhere in a home as it is very quiet in operation (similar background noise as a refrigerator), most likely installed in an out-of-the-way-place, such as the cellar.

MAPS is elegant and neutral in appearance and will come in various designs - with regular and premium finishes to match that out-of-the-way place, or compliment any lived in space.

Compact and Discreet

The MAPS device easily gets you off the grid.

Stay Energized

Up to date News and Articles


The next generation of solar cells may employ tiny bits of semiconductor material called quantum dots. These can be turned to quantum wires – made with carbon nanotubes. But things get even better and efficient with superconductors – thus helping power companies to reduce the loss of energy to heat, which is typically about 7 percent.


Many enthusiasts have been promoting the use of industrial hemp for producing bioenergy for a long time now. With its potentially high biomass yield and its suitability to fit into existing crop rotations, hemp could not only complement but exceed other available energy crops.

100% RENEWABLE BY 2050

Scientists recently published a detailed road map to move 139 countries to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050


Humans are passing through a dramatic transformation of the planet’s surface due to climate change, the most obvious sign being the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice. And now, imaging revealed a striking new chapter: The Bering Sea, which under normal circumstances should remain frozen-over until May, was almost entirely free of ice in early April.

Screems - 100% Green Energy Technology

The future of energy has never been closer! Screems project developed a technology that will bring clean, smart & cheap energy into your home. No CO2 emission, no fuel consumption and you will produce your own electricity going off-grid!!

Discover the technology that can change the energy consumption forever

Did you know that with less than half the kWh price in the EU, and less than 38% in the US average kWh price the energy companies charge you can produce your own energy, completely off grid, with no CO2 emissions?